The new colli capture unit!

Our #APACHE kee 2 measures and weighs packaging units such as fruit and vegetable crates and other packages. The system identifies, for example, load limits, stackability and shape, so that the user knows how to handle the packaging further down the line in [...]

Merry Christmas 2022!

A challenging year lies behind us. But we have also experienced a lot of good things in the past months. Above all, it was inspiring conversations, […]

Cheers to partnerships

Partnerships are an important part of our business philosophy. With many of our partners we have a long-standing cooperation, a common path and many successful projects. […]

The CubiScan 75

All-rounder: Courier, express and parcel services benefit from our CubiScan 75, which accurately measures cartons and parcels in small and large logistics environments. This facilitates order picking and optimizes transport and storage space planning. Sharp eyes for your logistics.

2-in-1 solution! The APACHE s9

2-in-1: With our APACHE s9, pallets can be wrapped on a wrapping machine or turntable and the measurement data, consisting of height, width, length, can be recorded at the same time. […]

Our test center

Our test center has been very popular both internally and externally since it was built in 2015, because research and development is actively carried out here! […]

Finally “on the road” again!

In the special environment in which we operate with our special solutions, the field sales force has an important role to play in showing our customers individual solutions and making our products tangible. […]

BVL in Alsdorf – the report

On August 30, for the first time an event of the BVL – Bundesvereinigung Logistik took place in our company. Together with our partner, VETTER Industrie GmbH, […]

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