An APACHE portal dual zone with a measuring range length of 12 meters has been successfully in use at our customer since 2018. The conditions here are harsh. Due to a nearby steelworks, there is a high level of dust pollution, but this does not affect the system – even though the large gate near the system is open 12 hours a day.
Our biennial maintenance is completely sufficient to keep the system in mint condition. However, our customer not only wants to maintain the high standard, but to improve it even further. As part of a development project on the subject of “deep learning”, we were therefore able to install our new cameras on the system.
And at this point, we would also like to clarify a frequently asked question that will come up again when looking at the image: Transparent, white (but also black or silver-reflective) foil cannot fool the measurement with our sensor technology. The measurements remain highly accurate and are 100% convincing!
Due to the measurement quality, not only our customer is now highly satisfied, but also the interested party, who measured an engine on site as a test, is now a new customer with us!
Would you like to see a system in live operation? Talk to us!