

More space through optimised loading!

|Categories: APACHE, Innovation, Linkedin, News|Tags: , , , , , , |

Not only #loading areas and containers can be filled very efficiently and easily with #goods using our Load Calculator. Warehouse space planning also benefits from this, as this can also be created in our software and filled on demand. […]

Measurements are taken everywhere!

|Categories: APACHE, Linkedin, News|Tags: , , , , , , |

In the past few days, another APACHE system has travelled a long way from Alsdorf to Africa. We are at home on all continents – a good example of the fact that the topic of highly accurate #logistics data, which our systems generate, has been gaining in importance worldwide for decades and continues to grow in importance. […]

Movable moving!

|Categories: APACHE, Linkedin, News|Tags: , , , , , |

We are delighted that another APACHE portal movable is going on the road and providing reliable measurements. Thanks to its smart design, it also fits on the smaller members of the truck family. By simply folding in the pillars with castors, the device can be moved to its new position or dismantled, loaded and set up again at another location in no time at all. The clever plug-and-play solution of the APACHE portal movable is still very much in demand and enjoys great popularity for good reason.

Conclusion on LogiMAT 2024

|Categories: APACHE, CubiScan, Innovation, Linkedin, News, redtagger, s9, Trade fair|Tags: , , , , , , , |

The preparations for LogiMAT were undoubtedly very intensive and exhausting. We are all the happier today with the way things went and the results we achieved with our trade fair presence. Over the last few days, we have followed up on many discussions, analyzed our impressions and sealed new partnerships. […]

Storage costs rise relentlessly

|Categories: APACHE, CubiScan, Linkedin, News, s9|Tags: , , , , |

Space for new logistics properties is becoming increasingly scarce, which means that the prices for their acquisition and development are also rising. Ultimately, this also increases the price of each individual storage space. […]

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