On 01.08.2020, our colleague Christopher Robin Grass started his apprenticeship at AKL-tec as an IT specialist specializing in application development and has already proven himself to be a valuable team member.

With his graduation as a state-certified technical assistant for information technology at the higher vocational school for informatics and an internship with us, he has already begun to pave the way for his future at AKL-tec before starting his career.

Christopher states:

“I am very happy that I got the chance to do my apprenticeship here. Our machines serve a niche and therefore some of the software solutions are very special. You also get a lot of practice-oriented knowledge “away from the textbook”. The staff is great and I can look forward to my work every day.”

We are happy to have you in our team and wish you continued success! The exam preparation for 2023 will start soon – of course we will support you in the best possible way!